Saturday, October 8, 2016

Bad intentions

I had no intention on liking you. My intent was to go out with you, have an ok time with you and keep it moving, away from you.  I didn't expect to have fun with you,  laugh with you, have decent conversation with you or leave smiling because of you.. This was not my intent.. I broke my own rules for you. Rule #1: no small kids. Rule #2: No second chances... Broke em both for you.. You stood me up or waited too late.. either way we didn't go out as planned initially... Had I followed my own rules,  I wouldn't be writing this now... You wouldn't be reading this now. I couldn't have recited this now.  But you did it, round of applause for you.  You've accomplished whatever goal you set out to do and I applaud you.  I, on the other .hand, am left dangling without you.. I knew I fucked up when I slept with you.  I thought it was right.. thought our vibe was cool.. thought we were cool.. thought I was safe with you.. However,  as I left that morning, I felt our vibe shift, our world shifted. I knew that would be the last of anything between us, would be the last of everything between us.. I knew then we were through.. But you proved me wrong, showed me up, you called,  reached out even tho it felt, off. You continued to reach out with no real effort to link up... You already left.. So your sudden departure shouldn't have thrown me, yet,  it did. It threw me for a loop, put a monkey wrench in my program, threw shit in my game.. But it's cool.. I dig where you are, who and what you are... It's not you,  it's me.. Well.. it's not me,  it is you.. or us.. or we.. or nah..


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