Thursday, December 27, 2012

My first love...

I come from a two parent household. Two siblings. An older sister and brother. I am the youngest. My mother is a strong, independent, college-educated woman. She worked as a social worker for many years. Mommy comes from a single parent household with a lot of siblings. My father is a strong, dominant man. He believed the man was the head of his household and that's how he ran his house. My father comes from a two parent household as well, although, my grandmother died when he was 11. In my father's family, the boys took care of the girls. Each boy was assigned a sister to look after and that philosophy holds true today. My father is military. He went to the Army at the age of 18 and retired when he was in his 40s. His military career was exemplary and he left the service with many medals and awards. The running joke in our family is my father is the original Forest Gump. He saved his entire battalion while taking bullets...(not in the but-tocks though lol). My father raised me to be independent and not to depend on a man but divorced my mother for the very same reason. She wasn't dependent enough. I heard my parents argue one time during their entire marriage of 23 years. My father is a beautiful man. He is tall.6'3. Chocolate. Slim.  I wish I could say, I always felt this way about him but I didn't. My father was a strict disciplinarian. We would be put on punishment for the slightest thing. Not listening. Not coming in on time. Dishes not being washed. I remember when I got in trouble becuz I left the house early one week day and hung out w/my then boyfriend all day and turned his neckbones off..  How was I supposed to know they were to cook all day and he was depending on that meal when he got off work? Silly me. I had to stay in the house for two weeks after that... I was HOT! Shoo, it was summer too!

As I've gotten older, I began to realize that certain things my father made me do, I now do. I, too, like some semblence of order. His discipline raised me to be the woman I am today.. Independent, fiesty and a bit standoffish. His example shows me what I want in a man. His example showed me what a man is and does and what he should be. His example leaves me lonely.....

There are so many men out there who didn't have a strong man in their life and they don't know how to treat a woman. Either they don't know or don't care enough to know. My man has to be strong. He has to have a strong back and he has to be able to provide. He has to love me unconditionally and he has to be supportive. He has to be willing to deal w/my spoiledness and love mine as she was his... That's my father... My father would give us all Valentine's day candy and now I expect that if I'm dating someone. If I don't get it, it's a wrap. To me, it's the small things. My father has a sense of humor, now. We talk on the phone and crack up! When I was younger, not so much. My father is my first love and I'm looking for someone who has old school values in this new school world... someone who will love me unconditionally, support my goals and my dreams, listen to my fears, spoil me when I want it and stand up to me when I need it... hahaha that sounds like a dating ad... But that's what I need, deserve and expect.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written. Every girls first love should be her fathers.
