Saturday, November 30, 2019


Stop listening to yesterday..

Stop reliving what feels…


Whispers of familiar…

It seems as if we been here before…

A sense of déjà vu…

The fights, the arguments, the petty spats…

…of yesterday.

We feed off nostalgia or…

Muscle memory..

Although the package is different the vibe is the same

The shift, the whispers of


We have to stop… shake the familiar..

Break the cycle of


Stop listening to yesterday..

Start anew… Hit reset

Refresh the browser


Change the rapport..

The conversation..

The way we communicate..

Make it more intimate, more kind

More like the sounds of today...

And tomorrow…

You see, I see you, althought you think I can’t

I see what you are, who you are and what you’re trying to become

I know things aren’t ideal and we seems to bait

Each other in these petty spats to test the boundaries of what

We make

Of each other..

Your usual is my unusual and my familiar is your unfamiliar.


I beg you to see me as your today


Stop listening to yesterday....


Friday, March 22, 2019


He said he was uncertain about dating me.. Said he didn't want to waste my time or his... I knew the vibe shifted but damn, that much? I thought it was fun. I thought we were having fun.. I thought surely this time would be different... that we would be different... that this thing we were doing, are doing, well, was doing would be different... Surely, right? So many emotions going thru my mind as the tears streamed down my face... So many words running thru my head as I sat there mute... How ironic a writer that cannot find the words to say exactly what's on her mind as he sat there and spilled his guts.. So articulate, I thought.. How is he able to form any words as I am shrinking right before him? How. Could. He? I struggle to look at him because the tears are hindering my sight. So many tears I thought.. So many emotions in my silence and yet he is rambling on... His voice doesn't even sound like him. It almost sounds disembodied.. Like, the ghost of dating past and Sunshine Anderson is the narrator... "heard it all before...." and I have: it's not you, its me... I've been rejected before... I mean, who hasn't? I wasnt crying because of what was being said... I was crying because I was pissed. Pissed at myself because I felt the shift... This hit harder than most because I thought we were vibing, digging each other... It was so effortless, organic... The chemistry was magnetic... Knowing looks were being exchanged... Ideas discussed.. Dreams spoke about...Things felt like they were falling into place. We were getting to know each other, becoming entangled, making memories, creating intricacies....Then... it happened... The vibe shifted and we became anew....

Friday, January 25, 2019


I am just a booty call who is trying to turn the tide and become MORE.  I always get myself in these precarious situations. I want something deep, tangible and intangible.. How can I explain without sounding cliché, crazy or whiny? I date multiple people so I won't get attached to one. However one always stands out more than the rest. Its nothing that I can put my finger on exactly, he just does. It could be conversation, the way he says my name or the way he moves. I cant explain it, it just is. But this one, this one feels a little different, seems a little different, might be a little different... Could be the way we started…

We got friendly on some humbug type shit. I was a space in time where he needed someone on a more physical level and  I needed something on a more emotional level… He gave me what I needed more than expected which was unexpected and I gave him what he craved for at that moment. And now the tide is beginning to turn. When my legs flew open and he entered my wombless womb, my emotions bubbled to the surface. I squashed them tho. Not today Satan and not with him. By that I mean, he's unexpected. He made me cum like I haven’t in years, something that someone who is familiar with my body took months. After I see him, there's a calmness. No calm before the storm because there's no storm, just calm, peace, an easiness.. I am completely relaxed, not anxious, not wondering if he likes me, just calm. When I get home and I’m lying in my bed, I start to fantasize about him, us. I would dream about us being together, being happy , being in a relationship and becoming entangled in each other lives. I fantasize telling him my deepest, darkest secrets and fears. I fantasize him returning the favor. I fantasize about everything down to Sunday brunch.  I picture myself looking in the mirror with him standing behind me or in the next room, getting dressed.. asking me am I ready? Brunch will be over soon, he says in a deep baritone voice. I smile as I put on the finishing touches of mascara and head to where he is standing and he hugs me. He smiles at me. Looks at me adoringly and says, you look beautiful which makes me giddy. We walk out the door and head to brunch. Our conversations are always entertaining, enlightening on my part. He teaches me things I didn’t know I wanted to learn. I tell him corny jokes and he laughs like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard. As we ride down the street, his left hand is on the steering wheel while his right caresses my thigh. My girl tingles as if his fingers are tapping out a secret message in Morse Code that only they know. At this moment, in my fantasy, if I was a kitten, I would purr. I'm enthralled, happy, satisfied, falling deep into the rabbit hole, into the abyss, chasing something intangible, wishing on a choclate, shooting star, smiling the biggest of smiles and then, I snap out of it. Because in reality, I am just a booty call who is trying to turn the tide and become MORE.