Thursday, January 11, 2018



I wonder what you’re thinking as I look into your smile
Your smile seems as wide as the ocean and as bright as the morning sun
Your voice as deep as a well buried within the earth but as silky as satin sheets that lay across my body..
I drink in your aura, basking in the gift that is you
I’m like a kid on his birthday, excited at the mere presence of my present,
Yet, trepidatious in opening the package
My hands shake with nervousness as I lean in to touch your skin
My eyes focused on my intended target
My breath labored as if I have been running miles
You take my breath away
You astound me
My finger traces the length of your spine
So easy to get lost in the abyss of your skin
You make me giddy
I giggle at the thought of you
I feel like a school girl seeing her crush for the first time
You make me remember gum drops and penny candy
My sweet tooth coming alive for chocolate, caramel, you
My addiction for sugar has turned into an addiction for you
You are now my drug of choice
My cocaine, my heroin, my mary jane
You are my... 
My future
And it is you that I choose
But will you reciprocate?
